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Megaforce 1982 | The Movie, Atari Game and Toy Line

Writer: Chris McHughChris McHugh

Updated: May 1, 2022

Megaforce was part of Golden Harvest studios push to break into the U.S. market along with Jackie Chang movie The Protector and the sci-fi classic Blade Runner, according to IMDB.

So they made this movie that centers around elite soldiers who deploy wherever there’s evil to fight. And they got former stuntman turned director Hal Needham to helm the movie.

At one time, Needham was the highest paid stuntman in the world. He broke 56 bones, punctured a lung and even broke his back twice. He was on a roll directing Smokey and the Bandit and Cannonball Run and then Megaforce blew up in his face.

The movie doesn’t take itself seriously, but even with that said, it’s still laughably bad. But I do love it for reasons such as Barry Bostwick as the film’s lead. I mean, with that bandana, that outfit and a name like Ace Hunter he must be the hero. One of the film’s taglines is “There has never been a superhero like ACE HUNTER.” Um, yeah. And after you see this movie you’ll know why. Megaforce used the Introvision filming technique. Introvision is a front-projection process that allowed film makers to view a finished composite of live action and plate photography through the camera's viewfinder on set and in real time.

What do you want me to draw you a picture. Oh wait, I already did in the episode I did on the film Outland. I ain’t doing it again!

The film also stars Devon from Knight Rider and Ilea from Star Trek the motion picture.

Costumes were actually designed by toy company Mattel. As part of the movie’s merchandizing, Mattel made a Megaforce version of its Vert-uh-bird toy. I has a Spiderman version of the Vertibird. This toy was amazeballs. To be able to lift the chopper up and down as it flew threw the air. Then, to be able to try and pick up objects. I wish I still had mine!

Mattell also made Megaforce Hot Wheels cars, including the Tac-Com flying motorcycles. After playing with the Tac-Com, I’m sure any kid would be as pumped as Ace Hunter.

But the coolest merch was the Atari 2600 game which is actually pretty solid. In it, your motorcycle can fly, just like in the movie. Actually it’s a lot less embarassing when it happens in the game. Here’s the commercial with Breaking Bad star Bryan Cranston. Megaforce’s is leading man signed a three-film deal, but the movie lost so much money at the box office that the sequel, which was supposed to be titled “Deeds Not Words” was canceled.

Maybe the most important thing that Megaforce brought us culturally was a new way to blow a kiss. Watch the video above to see what kissy thumbs are all about. Go ahead try, you’ll like it.


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