It was my first experience living through a Minnesota winter my freshman year of high school. I had just transferred schools from Illinois, so basically I didn't know anybody at this point and spent a lot of time watching TV. As a matter of fact, I think at this time, I started going through the newspapers TV guide cover to cover each week, circling anything that might be interesting. And either watching it or video taping it with my two-head VCR that was hooked up to a three inch, black and white TV.
The description was something like, “A superhero battles a madman who’s trying to steal uranium so he take over the world.” So I thought I'd give it a shot.
The movie was my first time I ever heard about Mexican wrestling. And I didn't completely make the connection until years later I was watching the Incredibly Strange Film Show.
The film definitely has that sixties feel with some really great sixties action movie instrumental music. One of the best descriptions of this movie that I have read is that it's a cross between James Bond and Batman. And I think that's pretty fair.
I think one of the greatest things to come out of the Superargo world recently is an ode to Super Agroman which is on Matt Hawes YouTube channel.
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